Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Million Dollar Bill

While I was riding dirty on 85, I heard this tune written by Alicia Keyes for a fabulous iconic artist whom we have not heard from in so many years. Well, if we want to count the time or two or three that she made a cameo with her ex Bobby. Then, maybe it has not been so long.

Being Bobby Brown

Well anywho, Whitney sang a little and put the ad lib on a lot on Good Morning America. The version on the album is much better. The message is fantabulous.

Good Morning America

If you are blessed enough to find a significant other that makes you feel like a million dollar bill.
Hold on to them.

Makes you go left, right, up, you spinning round and round. You go holla all night long.
Hold on to them.

Hopefully, the bedroom is not all he is good for. We might want him to open the door, know how to git down in the kitchen and maybe wash a dish and a load or two.
Hold on to them.

Depending on how good he put it down. You might be happy with him just staying quiet, in the bedroom and naked.

Seriously, If we are ever blessed and fortunate to find someone that makes you feel so unique, keep them around. That person could be the security officer at the job who tells you how beautiful you are every day. It could be the cat at Kroger that always notices when you change your hair or your best friend that understands whatever you want to discuss. We all want to feel like a million dollar bill.

- forever makeba

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