Saturday, September 12, 2009

Out for the Count

Traveling no where near the speed of light, I turn left or right and sometimes I turn wrong. I try to leave traces of light as I pass through one dimension to get to another. Trying not to go in circles, sometimes I do cross a path that I once traveled. My goal is to pass go and collect $200.00 each time I go around the board. One day, I will stop playing the game and begin to make the rules in this journey called life.
- Smooches

- forever makeba
As a human being on this planet earth, I do not think of being incapacitated or not performing at least at 90% ever. Thursday, September 10th, 2009, I took Marta. My car decided that it did not want to start, so I got plan B up and rolling. I felt like I was cautious, not touching the poles or seats with my hands, not speaking to or looking at anyone. I mentally was in a Makeba bubble. That did not work. I do not ever know if it is possible to be exposed to something and come down with symptoms that quickly. By the time I got home from the salon, my 90%, efficiency rate quickly dropped to bout 50%. By morning, I was at 35% and soon after I was at about 5% seriously.

I wrapped up, because I was freezing, you should not wrap up – it locks the fever in – that is not a good thing to do. I woke drenched and changed clothes. Took some Tylenol and fell fast asleep. By morning, I was at 75% and took my ass to work.

Wow, it is terrible how quickly and without mercy a nano bug can take out something so many times its weight and size. When we are down, up seems so damn far away.

I thank GOD for allowing me to be healthy every day. Especially when I take it for granted.

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