Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Quietly sitting in on my son's health class today, I realized how our children have a lot of grown up issues to deal with. Most of the students were able to explain the meaning of the topic of the day, resilience.
By definition, resilience is the ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity or the like; buoyancy.

There were different variations, but they understood as well as gave examples.
Quietly listening to each child as they chimed in the life changes that made them resilient; a grandmother passing away, having to care for a mentally challenged relative that had to moving in, fighting to stop being sexually promiscuous and a student that had battled cancer and won, I felt so blessed to be sharing that moment of release with them.

These circumstances that happened to them have given them a strength to draw on and help them become the magnificent people they are.

I wanted to interject and say so many things that my emotions wanted to tell them. In my head, I gave each of them a hug. The male teacher kept the conversation as intellectual as he could without showing shock or dismay.

And I, like the teacher, had not experienced any sort of tragedy in our school-aged lives. Amazement, thankfulness and empathy flowed through my heart, mind and soul for what had happened to them.


Being a part of their lives for a little while, leaves me so glad that I was there at that moment and time. From the skin I'm in, they looked like they are doing well. I hope that their inside is and will continue to do well. Maybe opening up and telling a summary of their stories a bit cathartic for them. Will they now look at and deal with each other differently?

I am going to ask my son what would he have said if I were not there.

- forever makeba

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rain Down on Me

It seems as if it has been raining for a week. Georgia has about $250 millions of dollars in damage, the death toll is now 10 and we, the humans on the planet are left realizing how much control that we really do not have.
We can control interest rates, but can't make people spend - we can invest money in airports, but cannot make people want to land there - we can ask people to marry us, but cannot make them be faithful - we can build many buildings on land, but cannot protect them when mother nature needs to open up the sky and release.

Footage shot by Mario Page

As you have seen, the sky did open up and there was nothing that any man, woman or child to could to close it. There was so much water that bridges collapsed, streams ran over, school closed, six flags became a water park, cars became hunks of floating metal/fiberglass, and lives were unfortunately lost.

My prayers and blessings go out to those that I do know and do not know that were affected by this week of rain and pain. Please help them heal and find a way to make sense of it all. Thank you to all of those people that have made themselves and their resources available to physically or financially aid the people that we touched by the flood.

As I continue to inhabit this planet, I realize what I do and do not have control over. I have learned to seek out and appreciate things that have value in life. And these things are not electronic, expensive and they are accessible to all.

Family and friends have become very essential and irreplaceable. The memories that we create as we enjoy those around us. We have to find time to embrace and love those people in our lives that define who we are and make us better people.

On a lighter note, if we have to have something fall from the sky, can it be a bit of eye candy that has the capability to make some toes curl?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Out for the Count

Traveling no where near the speed of light, I turn left or right and sometimes I turn wrong. I try to leave traces of light as I pass through one dimension to get to another. Trying not to go in circles, sometimes I do cross a path that I once traveled. My goal is to pass go and collect $200.00 each time I go around the board. One day, I will stop playing the game and begin to make the rules in this journey called life.
- Smooches

- forever makeba
As a human being on this planet earth, I do not think of being incapacitated or not performing at least at 90% ever. Thursday, September 10th, 2009, I took Marta. My car decided that it did not want to start, so I got plan B up and rolling. I felt like I was cautious, not touching the poles or seats with my hands, not speaking to or looking at anyone. I mentally was in a Makeba bubble. That did not work. I do not ever know if it is possible to be exposed to something and come down with symptoms that quickly. By the time I got home from the salon, my 90%, efficiency rate quickly dropped to bout 50%. By morning, I was at 35% and soon after I was at about 5% seriously.

I wrapped up, because I was freezing, you should not wrap up – it locks the fever in – that is not a good thing to do. I woke drenched and changed clothes. Took some Tylenol and fell fast asleep. By morning, I was at 75% and took my ass to work.

Wow, it is terrible how quickly and without mercy a nano bug can take out something so many times its weight and size. When we are down, up seems so damn far away.

I thank GOD for allowing me to be healthy every day. Especially when I take it for granted.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Million Dollar Bill

While I was riding dirty on 85, I heard this tune written by Alicia Keyes for a fabulous iconic artist whom we have not heard from in so many years. Well, if we want to count the time or two or three that she made a cameo with her ex Bobby. Then, maybe it has not been so long.

Being Bobby Brown

Well anywho, Whitney sang a little and put the ad lib on a lot on Good Morning America. The version on the album is much better. The message is fantabulous.

Good Morning America

If you are blessed enough to find a significant other that makes you feel like a million dollar bill.
Hold on to them.

Makes you go left, right, up, you spinning round and round. You go holla all night long.
Hold on to them.

Hopefully, the bedroom is not all he is good for. We might want him to open the door, know how to git down in the kitchen and maybe wash a dish and a load or two.
Hold on to them.

Depending on how good he put it down. You might be happy with him just staying quiet, in the bedroom and naked.

Seriously, If we are ever blessed and fortunate to find someone that makes you feel so unique, keep them around. That person could be the security officer at the job who tells you how beautiful you are every day. It could be the cat at Kroger that always notices when you change your hair or your best friend that understands whatever you want to discuss. We all want to feel like a million dollar bill.

- forever makeba