Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Beauty Beholder

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is an idiom that has to be true. As human beings we visualize things through our mind's eye. Enjoying the way a woman sashays and swings her hair and hips as she walks can make a man totally forget the fact that her grammar is lazy and hood. The way a man emits something we call 'swagga' can blind one of his three women as she succumbs to his deep dimples and smell of cologne to forgive him one more time. The melodious vibration of a bow gliding across a cello's string can take you to a mystical place and remind me of fingernails on a chalkboard.
Memories, fantasies, hopes, dreams, movies, desires, wants and many more variables determine what we consider beautiful. When we find something beautiful, we really want to have it, touch it, feel it, see it, own it, and just be around it. What we will compromise to have those one or two beautiful things in life that make us happy or think we are happy.
What does your appetite have a taste for at the time? Does our perception of beauty change as does the weather or the days of the week? What triggers our need to gravitate to something beautiful? Are there flaws in ourselves which seek out in attempts to compensate for what we are lacking or can add to what we are to make us feel complete?
How beautiful are you? What do you use to make this determination? Is it right or wrong? Can you build the foundation for your world on something that you perceive as beautiful?

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