Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Beyonce's Preggo or Not Preggo

Pregnancy can be an experience (some good and some not so good). Whether they are good or bad, if a woman can and wants to have a baby, she should do it the old fashioned way. IN HER BELLY. Especially if she has a baby daddy, husband that wants to have a baby with her.
There are many celebrities, let alone people that have used surrogates to have their babies for them. The normal reasons are, unable to conceive, for various reasons, i.e. age, fertility, weak cervix, low sperm count....

Celine Dion, Sarah Jessica Parker and Angela Bassett are a few celebs whom chose to use surrogates for various reasons. None of these women pretended to be pregnant as their children were developing in another woman's body.

Wendy Williams and her staff did a great segment on this topic. Watch and draw your own conclusion...

We all honestly hope that she is really pregnant and is not shallow enough to selfishly use her fortune so her body will not go through the many changes that do occur as her child would be developing and making its final journey through her to be born.